High risk pregancy is the one that has more possibilities of complications, both maternal and fetal, during the course of gestation and childbirth. This type of pregnancy requires strict medical and ultrasound monitoring.

it is a priority to identify risk factors early and estimate their relative importance in relation to perinatal outcomes in order to reduce the adverse consequences of them.


There are many situations that make pregnancy classified as high risk:


Pelvic abnormalities
grade and cardiopathy
Unfavorable socioeconomic conditions
Unwanted pregnancy
Low height
Insufficient control of pregnancy
Previous sterility
Habitual smoker
Age less than 17 years or more than 38 years
RH Pregnant
Great multiparity
Excessive increase or insufficient weight
Non-morbid obesity
STD risk
UTI or asymptomatic bacteriuria
Occupational hazard
Metrorrhagia 1st trimester
Intergenesic period less than 12 months


serious anemia
degree II heart disease II
Previous uterine surgery
Gestational diabetes
Pregnancy twins
Endocrine disease
Morbid obesity
Mild pre-eclampsia
Maternal infection:
Toxoplasmosis HIV
CMV pyelonephritis
Hemolytic streptococcus
Suspected fetal malformation


Threat of premature birth
Cardiopathies III and IV
Pre-pregnancy diabetes
Drug and alcoholism addiction
Confirmed fetal malformation
Multiple gestation
Fetal death confirmed
Recurrent perinatal death
Cervical incompetence
Delay of intrauterine growth
Serious associated pathology
Previous placenta
Serious pre-eclampsia
Premature rupture of membranes in the preterm

High-risk pregnancies require an exhaustive follow during the entire gestation period, both medical, analytical and ultrasound. In some cases they require the collaboration of other specialists such as endocrinologists, cardiologists, intensivists, etc.

the analytical and other initial complementary explorations will be basically the same as the control of a low risk pregnancy. Outside of this line, we will ask for those tests that help us to control the pathology of each patient (electrocardiogram, echocardiography in cardiac pathology, serological markers in viral infections, etc.).

ultrasounds, in this type of pregnancy, are more frequent and in many cases are accompanied by specific explorations such as the Doppler study, which allows to evaluate the blood supply of the fetal and placental vessels.

Lately, 4D ultrasound has been incorporated to visualize, in real time, the fetal morphology in three dimensions, providing great information in the case of some fetal malformations.

By your side throughout pregnancy

Live an unforgettable experience!

The medical control you need

We take care of your intimate health

Couple fertility tests and treatments

We accompany you during the process as your body changes

The solution to avoid unwanted pregnancies

The technique that allows us to observe the interior of the uterus